Ecommerce   Marketplace

Ecommerce - Marketplace

An ecommerce app with a multiple sellers like the Flipkart or Amazon apps.

This repo was private and made public on 22-Feb-2019 Currently this repo is opensourced, feel free to utilize the setup

This is a Updated and Final version of Elikart Repo

Application Preview is available at the bottom of this doc.


React (ReactJS & ReactNative)

Python Flask

  • Gajula Karthik Kumar

Web App Link :

Mobile App Link :

Ecommerce application

The objective was to create a clone of a popular eCommerce application like Flipkart or Amazon.

Technologies used

Frontend of web app created using ReactJS. Android application created using React Native.

Backend code done using Python-flask and Hasura APIs such as

  • Hasura File upload API
  • Hasura Data API
  • Hasura Auth API

How to run

Visit for the web app, or download and install the APK of the app linked above in any up-to-date android device. Please wait a few minutes for the Hasura cluster to wake up before the application can become functional.

Features implemented

  • Login/signup as both seller and buyer (session management included). Only seller can use the add product option, and only buyer can buy products.

  • Display top products in the home page with search feature that searches user entered keyword across product title and description and displays returned results.

  • Add products you want to buy to your cart, which can be accessed from any screen to checkout. Cart dynamically updates as products are added/removed.

  • Add product allows users with seller accounts to upload image and add product data, which then becomes available in the application.

Application Snapshots

Note: Due to the size, the snaps might be presented in enlarged view

web-home web-item web-list web-list2 web-signup mobile-home mobile-item mobile-search mobile-signup mobile-upload

Author & License

Hasura HPDF Team 41

OSS license: MIT License

• Released: May 29, 2020, 05:31 AM

Ecommerce Marketplace

Author: NandaKishorJeripothula
Item was Featured Author was Featured
Its an eCommerce Application developed using React (, involves both web and mobile platforms.. ReactJS-Web, React-Native-Mobie). Submitted to Hasura HPDF as a project with MIT licence.. size
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