Olx Clone


Native mobile app built using React Native and Redux. Features of official OLX app are implemented upto some extent. Firebase is used as the backend.




  • React Native
  • NativeBase for UI Elements
  • Lodash
  • Redux for State Management
  • Redux Saga
  • React Navigation
  • Firebase
  • Expo

Get Started

1. Clone the Repo

On the command prompt run the following commands

$ git clone https://github.com/skniit94/olx-clone

$ cd olx-clone/

$ npm install

To start the expo app

Run the following command

$ npm start

To run on iOS simulator/device

Run the following command

$ npm run ios

To run on android emulator/device

Run the following command

$ npm run android


• Released: May 25, 2020, 03:11 PM

Olx Clone

Author: skniit94
Item was Featured Author was Featured
Native mobile app built using `React Native` and `Redux`. Features of official OLX app are implemented upto some extent. `Firebase` is used as the backend. size
git clone https://github.com/skniit94/olx-clone.git