Squad Project Client



This front-end project, is an e-commerce single page web application (SPA). Developed by Antonio Keo, Greg Ryan, Rakshya K., and Michael Rai. The name of this company is called Nozama. Nozama is a fictional company that sells clothing online.

A customer (user) is able to set up a profile with an email and password. The user can see all products, filter between men and women and add products to their cart. Checkout functionality will be managed by third party payment processor Stripe.


The link to the backend repository can be found at: https://github.com/PVD04-Squad06/Squad-project-api


Technologies Used:

HTML, CSS & BOOTSTRAP, JavaScript, Express.js, MongoDB with version control by GitHub.

---Live URL: https://pvd04-squad06.github.io/Squad-project-client/

--Future Iterations:

As of Friday, December 21, 2018. This project is still in development. Payment processing of Stripe is not fully functional as this company is fictional. In future iterations, a user will be:

  • able to see past purchases
  • favorite items/add to wishlist
  • be recognized via username

Among our overall planning documents, wireframes, erd and wireframes; our MVP Standards can be seen here: https://www.evernote.com/l/AKXK3YZk0LhH3aTagYmiMofsDHm3T_Oz9js

Images for our project were used from a www.revolve.com.

• Released: Feb 04, 2019, 07:09 PM

Squad Project Client

Author: PVD04-Squad06
Item was Featured Author was Featured
An ecommerce site (front end) built with Express, JavaScript, HTML5, SCSS. size
git clone https://github.com/PVD04-Squad06/Squad-project-client.git